Uncover Your Savings Potential with Accountable

Calculate how much time and money you'll save each month by streamlining your vacation rental finances

Accountable Savings Calculator

Accountable Savings Calculator

Total Monthly Savings: $

Time Savings

Hours saved per month:

Value of time saved: $

Explanation: Based on the number of properties you manage, we estimate significant time savings through features like mobile receipt links, automated transaction categorization, and bulk owner payouts. The value is calculated using an average bookkeeper rate of $25 per hour.

Deposit Interest Earnings

Monthly interest earned: $

Explanation: Earn 3.5% interest on your average daily balance, prorated by day and deposited monthly.

Cashback Rewards

Monthly cashback: $

Explanation: Enjoy 1.5% cashback on your credit card spending with no caps or restrictions.

Expense Management Savings

Monthly savings: $

Reduce Slippage: Save approximately 5% by eliminating errors that lose you owner reimbursements, inventory, and purchase details.

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Disclaimer: These calculations are estimates based on average data and may not reflect exact savings. Actual results may vary. The time savings value is based on an average bookkeeper rate of $25 per hour.

Save up to hundreds of bookkeeping hours annually

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